I have been ready to move inside since I started this cabin last year. It’s my favorite part! Details, details, details…
But before I talk about the inside and where I hope to go with it. I wanted to tell you how I came up with the crazy idea of using industrial red metal siding on the exterior. We will be using reclaimed barn lumber on the front porch area and the peaks. Old barn wood comes at an exorbitant cost which is why you aren’t seeing it up there yet! I have sourced it (only 1 hr from the cabin) and will be picking it up in the next few weeks.
The red is what I was after in terms of tying everything together on the exterior. I want it to have an industrial clean feel but also elements of an old farmhouse whenever possible. I was at a kids museum that just opened in Austin with my little ones and I had been searching far and wide for a cost effective/long lasting solution for the exterior finish of the cabin. Jane loves red. And I had always wanted to do an iconic red house. Anyway, it came in at more than half the cost of any other material I could find anywhere! If you hadn’t already guessed – this project is completely driven first and foremost by budget. Which really gets those creative juices flowing when you only have coins in your pocket. Anyway, metal siding was relatively simple to work with. LOUD when trimming the pieces. But worth it.
Here’s Austin’s shining new children’s museum:
Here are a few houses I have continued to go back to for supremo enlightenment.
Song of the Day: Everything Trying by Damien Jurado
https://itun.es/i6BW9mL #iTunes